Monday, February 1, 2010

I hear you whistling
in the other room
the sound pours in like smoke over the floor

I see your lips before I see your eyes
in the mirror hanging on the bathroom door

oh the chickadees sing weary on the branches
and the flint stands mute before the spark can strike it
but standing next to you again tonight, babe
I want a hundred thousand nights just like it.

1 comment:

  1. You are a miracle, girl. Or, a miraclegirl. Born to write, obviously. I cannot imagine why there are no comments. Send them out in chinese fortune cookies. I will have them, always. Poetry, that infinitely indelible bunch of words, should reach around this world and tie us all together in peace. Reading it is the next best thing. What would we know of love, sadness, despair, heaven or hell without poetry? Nothing, I say. These poems are all quite wonderful and worth the time to read all of them.
