Tuesday, December 1, 2009

i had to wrestle with this one

is anyone still reading this? *crickets*... ... ...

I had a dream the lyrebird did a little singing
and retired from my four-foot room. Ten paces square.
I had a dream the blue wolves grasped my hair
in their teeth, and screamed,
and scorched the earth. For what it's worth
I haven't smoked in days, or called you.
I've been eating apples to the core,
swallowing the pips, a little cyanide.
In the pan I disrupt yolks
with my little fork. When I looked last
the sky slumped white at my window,
now it's lustrous, blood-red.
When I take to my bed
I listen to songs by a man
whose lung collapsed last year.
I want to die in a big pile of blow
or smoke until my nostrils sing like chimneys.
It wasn't supposed to get this bad,
the white sheets pressed with yolk-crumbs,
the windows lined with terrible dusts,
like the wounds of the big cement Jesus
fixed above the bargain-warehouse door.
I saw a man there singing to his blistered hand,
white petals of skin glazed with ooze.
The cloudbank hangs like a dark whole bread
scattering the crusts of a few black dreams.


  1. Well, I pop in once a month, reaffirm that Harvard is full of brilliant, crazy people and go my merry way.

    I enjoyed this one, though. Especially, "eating apples to the core," hmmm? I like to think I'm building up a cyanide tolerance. :D

    I also really really like the creative rhyming scheme of the first few lines.


  2. hey talia,
    pretty difficult dream....intense images.
