Saturday, May 15, 2010


Hey guys. It's been a long, trippy, trip that this poem can't even begin to express. I don't know how much I've grown as a poet, but it has certainly been edifying to sit down and at least try to write for this academic year. And now I have over 200 poems. Which - really, I think that's at least 200 more than I would have written on my own.

I have one request: if you've read even one of the poems, and are reading this can you write a reaction of some kind here? How I've grown, how the poems have changed, your experience while reading them, etc? There have been almost no comments this entire blogging journey, but if you want to, I would really deeply appreciate your reactions.


The last poem falls into place
in the book, like a raspy seed-case
in the silt-drifts snug to the street.
The road where we meet

is flush with darkness. The amiable stars
turn their faces from us,
but where we go, we are well-met.


  1. Welp, kiddo. I'll lead with what I always do: I'm proud of you! You /make/ me proud of you, constantly, which is pretty neat in itself.

    Specifically I'm proud that you made yourself do this even when you were tired, even when you didn't really WANNA, for an entire year. Most people-- even ones with great work ethics! -- probably wouldn't actually finish a project like this, especially when for the mot part the response they got was silence.

    But I'm also pleased that you displayed such range in the course of your work-- you wrote long poems, short poems, free verse, rhymed... OK, not MANY rhymed poems, but rhyme isn't completely absent! And you've kept your same style throughout: literate but dorkily sad, or maybe "wistful" is a better word.

    And, y'know, for an introvert? You've put a lot of your work out here for the Internet to see. Or not see, of course.

    But more than your /work/, you've put a pretty fair amount of YOURSELF out there. And that's impressive. I respect it, n00blet.

    P.S. Congrats on finishing! The long march is over.

  2. I think it's AMAZING that you did this, congratulations!!!!!

    Specifically: I really like the prose poems, and I think you should do more with that form - it works really well with your style and subject matter. I also liked the Hebrew poem, of course :).

  3. Oh, but Talia, you did write them on your own. And you should feel proud of yourself for that.

    You've gotten more self-conscious about your idiosyncrasies (the word "belly" springs to mind), and that's worthwhile in itself—and perhaps only writing every single day will reveal those sorts of habits. So you'll be able to go back to normal-person writing with a much sharper sense of self: more than most people our age can say.

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  5. I love this poem, Talia. I look forward to reading back through your archives. Well done, and thanks for the beauty.
